• learn the traffic tricks that over 10,000+ bloggers are using to drive traffic to their websites...


This course was completely updated in mid 2023, and is relevant for 2024.


This bundle includes the legacy Pinteresting Strategies course, PLUS Pin Title Traffic Hacks, Pin Design Rules to Break, The Pinterest Niche Site Deep Dive, and "Do You Get Long Clicks? " - a bonus training video from my Pinterest Mastermind Group - as well as 15 pin templates... more than $173 in value!





Well, so did I!

When I first started blogging and was trying to get page views, I read every single one of those “how to get Pinterest traffic” posts I could find online – for months.

Looking for some secret formula that would make Pinterest work for me.

And every. single. post. was a sales pitch for Boardbooster or Tailwind.

Putting more money into my blog was a non-option, and I decided to do Pinterest without a scheduler.

I was desperate to get just enough page views to qualify to apply to a bigger ad network and start making a little money.

But what happened just about knocked my socks off. (Yes – Socks. Off.)

I started pinning in May 2016 and by the end of August 2016 I was working with Adthrive – one of the premier ad networks in the country – and one with a requirement of 100k page views per month.

My pinning-without-a-scheduler method had fast-tracked me to a full-time blog income.

In the 8 years since then, I have continued to learn about (and use) Pinterest for my own websites... and now I love to teach others to use Pinterest to grow their websites, too.

I have thousands of successful students who've seen page views explode - when they started using Pinterest RIGHT!

Unfortunately, it is NOT as easy as just pinning and hoping. I've put in years of experimenting with what works and what doesn’t.

There is no “Pinterest Secret” (sorry!).

BUT there are some crazy important things about Pinterest that you are probably missing.

This course, to my knowledge, is completely different than any other strategy you will purchase anywhere else.

I go MUCH farther into the “Pinterest Algorithm” than you've ever been – you will NOT be just “pinning and hoping!”

Don't be taken in by teachers claiming to know Pinterest... and relying on knowledge from 2017.


I'll admit that when I first chose to learn Pinterest I wasn't excited about it.

After taking Carly's course I was hooked. I went on to purchase more Pinterest courses thinking I could find some secrets only to realize that THIS COURSE already teaches you everything you need to know and even MORE to get Pinterest traffic.

Using Carly's strategies and knowledge I've been able to take a blog with 16,000 monthly pageviews to over 212,000 monthly pageviews.

Thank you Carly for making me good at Pinterest!

—Shanna Wentzel, Pinterest Manager



I still do exactly what's outlined in this course for my own pinning, and my Pinterest traffic for October 2022 was nearly double from traffic last year (October 2021). Below is a screenshot of traffic to my main website:


If I have something valuable to say about Pinterest (without doubt), it's in here:

  • The popular "Pinteresting Strategies" base course (97.00 value)
  • Pinterest Title Traffic Hacks (27.00 value)
  • Pin Design Rules to Breaks (27.00 value)
  • Pinterest Niche Site Deep Dive (37.00 value)
  • "Do you get long clicks?" bonus video training from my mastermind group (Not available for individual purchase; 1 month subscription is 25.00 value )
  • BONUS - 15 pin templates (10 Canva, 5 Picmonkey)


Getting started on the platform

I'll teach you how to set up your profile and boards the right way, from the start.

We discuss how to start pinning your content to your boards!

(Don't worry, if you've been using Pinterest for a while, this is not a beginner course - it just has a beginner module!)

To understand if a niche is a "good" Pinterest niche - or not

Unfortunately, NOT all niches are created equal on Pinterest, and any one who tells you Pinterest is amazing for "all niches" is nuts. We will look at how to know if you're choosing a "traffic" niche on Pinterest, or a niche that might be a little slower.

(Note that there is still SOME traffic to be had in "bad" Pinterest niches. It just might not be VIRAL traffic.)

How the Pinterest algorithm actually works

We discuss how the foundation of the algorithm is built on one single extraordinarily important factor:

Pin relationship.

I'll also teach you how to use pin relationship to your advantage, and I'll show you the two SUREFIRE ways the engineers have built into the platform to ensure strong pin relationship between your pins and other popular pins.

SEO (search engine optimization) for Pinterest

I'll show you EXACTLY where Pinterest looks to find the keywords associated with your pin, so you can tell Pinterest what your pins are about and get them ranked in search.

I'll also show you how to use Pinterest itself to validate your keyword choices, and find ideas for future posts!

How to create pins that get clicks

If you do everything else right, but create pins that no one clicks - I guarantee you'll fail on Pinterest.

Pintresting Strategies has a whole lesson dedicated to understanding user intent and creating pins that GET CLICKED - and drive traffic.

How to spend LESS TIME on the platform

The days of one hour per day and 30 pins per day are OVER.

In the Niche Site Deep Dive I will show you how I pinned less than 250 pins for the whole YEAR (and still got to over 40k pv / month).

AND less than 70 "pinning sessions". (That's right - I didn't even pin every other day.)

You do NOT need to be spending tons of time on Pinterest.

Pin and move on - you have other things to do!

And so much more:

  • New pins VS "fresh" pins - semantics won't matter after you take this course!
  • Do followers matter?
  • What Pinterest Analytics are telling you
  • What you can learn about your Pinterest traffic via Google Analytics
  • Should you create video pins?
  • Do group boards still work in 2023?
  • What kind of photos perform BEST on the platform
  • How to create titles that WORK to get clicks
  • How to utilize pin styles that all the other bloggers are ignoring
  • The importance of time on page for the Pinterest platform
  • What to do if your account gets blocked
  • And PROOF that it can work in 2023!

PLUS GET 15 GORGEOUS PIN TEMPLATES (in the "bonus content" section)

  • 10 for Canva (free platform)
  • 5 for PicMonkey (paid platform)
  • easy to edit
  • designed to stand out

I first took Pinteresting Strategies shortly after my blog launched, and I discovered it would be a quicker way to drive website traffic. Carly’s course provides clear, actionable steps and within two months I got over 70K impressions a month and outbound clicks had increased 350% month over month.

About a year later I gave myself a refresher on the course and even through Pinterest has changed over the last couple of years, the course still works!

Last month (MAY 2022) my outbound clicks from Pinterest are up 7% over the prior year!

Jessica Lee, veryobsessed.com


I still use Pinterest on a daily basis for my OWN mom-niche blog AND a brand new micro-niche site!

This means that I am PERSONALLY invested in what's working and what's not working on the platform - and I keep my Pinterest course up to date!

My micro-niche site was started in June 2020 and as of July 2021 it was seeing over 1000 pageviews per day from Pinterest... and growing!

Inside the Pinterest Niche Site Deep Dive training, I pull back the curtain and show you EVERY DETAIL of what I considered to grow a brand new site in the "new" Pinterest climate... Including a spreadsheet showing you every single pin I pinned for the site for an entire year!

This part of the bundle is available as both a 3 hour video AND a PDF transcript so for those who don't LOVE video (like me), it's easy to take in quickly!


I've just completed a HUGE update in April of 2023. While updates are not gauranteed, I do my best to bring you the most up-to-date Pinterest info on the internet.


"Since starting Pinteresting Strategies, I have skyrocketed my Pinterest growth! I went from basically no Pinterest traffic to over 1.2 million monthly viewers and my overall traffic grew by 10x in just a few months in 2020! Carly is the real deal and so committed to helping her community grow on Pinterest.  Her Pinterest templates save me so much time and get me results. I highly recommend it all!" (Check out Rebekah's Pinterest stats in the image below!)

-Rebekah, simplygreenrebekah.com

"I have taken a lot of Pinterest courses and most of them only cover the basics of account set up and optimization. Pinteresting Strategies was completely different. This course taught me the strategy I needed to increase my views, saves and clicks - without a scheduler and without being hit by the recent algorithm updates. The best part is that the course is updated as things change, which they always do. This course is hands-down the reason my Pinterest account brings my blog so much traffic and why it brings in the income it does every month. Thank you Carly!"

- Jen, DigitalSheEO.com

"I’m just going to be honest: I hate Pinterest so it always fell last on my business 'To-Do' list. But, Carly helped me understand the importance of the platform to drive traffic to my site and grow my business. Her course legitimately took me from a neglected Pinterest account with just a few hundred monthly Pinterest viewers to 1.5 million monthly viewers and thousands of followers in just a little over 6 months. I have pins that now get over 100K views and thousands of clicks to my site! If you’ve been wondering if you should buy Carly’s e-books and course, just do it. You won’t regret it. (And neither will your business.)" (Checkout Jackie's pin stat's in the image adjacent!)

-Jacqueline WilsonHomeschoolSuperFreak.com

“I purchased Pinteresting Strategies in 2017 and knew nothing about Pinterest. Carly helped me make sense of the maze that is Pinterest going from 11,000 page views for the entire year of 2017 to over 360,000 in 2018, and over 1.3 million in 2019! Carly does the work so you don’t have to with the knowledge of a college professor and the easy delivery of talking with a friend over coffee! And the best part is she never stops learning and teaching about Pinterest over 3 years later. I highly recommend Pinteresting Strategies to any new or experienced blogger who wants to use Pinterest for their business."

- Brandi, FamilyFelicity.com

Pinteresting Strategies changed my life - and I don't say that lightly.  Because of Carly's course, I am able to make an income while staying home with my four children.  Prior to taking it, I had been blogging for almost a year and a half, and got almost no traffic on my blog. On the day I bought Pinteresting Strategies, in February of 2019, I had 27 sessions from Pinterest.  By August, I had enough views for Mediavine (all Pinterest sessions).  If you are serious about making money from blogging, take Carly's course.  She is truly a Pinterest expert, and her course will guide you through the steps you need to take to get views from Pinterest.  (Check out Lauren's traffic in the screenshot below!)

- Lauren, loveremodeled.com

"For months, I was trying to figuring out Pinterest on my own.  I wasted so much time and energy trying to find anything I could to improve.  That was a total waste of time and set me 3 months behind. After I read Pinteresting Strategies, everything made sense!  Finally!  Using the strategies in this course, I’ve been able to get over 200,000 pageviews a month just from Pinterest."

- Debbie, theflooringgirl.com

"Taking Pinteresting Strategies with Carly was one of the best decisions I made for my blog!

She lays everything out in a way that’s so easy to understand and even shows you behind the scenes so you can see exactly what she’s teaching, then implement it on your own account. 

Carly does such a great job at keeping up to date with the many changes that Pinterest makes, and updates this course accordingly. There is so much information about Pinterest on the internet, and even in other courses that is inaccurate and out of date. That is not something you have to worry about with Pinteresting Strategies!

I highly recommend Pinteresting Strategies to anyone wanting to begin or improve their Pinterest game. I’ve started a new account recently to go with a new blog, and will be implementing Carly’s strategies again and look forward to seeing the same great results!"

- Amber, shescatchingflights.com

"Carly’s Pinterest Strategies was one of the BEST investments (and what’d ya know - it’s affordable too) for my blog! As a beginner blogger with 0 experience using Pinterest - I had no idea where to start or what to expect. I learned so much with this course like how Pinterest works in the first place, the importance of visually appealing pins, how to track my pins in my google analytics, how to write descriptions - but more importantly, I was able to follow the strong Pinterest strategy that Carly shares in this course and eventually tailor it down even more so to my own needs - all while slowly growing my blog traffic over time! Now, I took this course back in June of 2019 when my blog was only 2 months old. Within 1 month of implementing, I doubled my traffic and to this day, my traffic has significantly continued to increase. I couldn’t be more pleased with this course & the value it’s brought to me as a blogger (which by the way does get updated as she experiments her magic with new strategies and approaches with the ever-evolving Pinterest - so if you’re worried you’re going to get a course that’s never updated - don’t be! Carly never leaves her peeps hanging!)."

- Karissa, fitmommystrong.com

"My Pinterest views first went up organically and started slipping back down again. I knew I needed help, but didn’t want to invest in pin schedulers, because of how unpredictable they can be with the algorithm. Pinteresting Strategies is unique in its manual approach, and Carly’s success in using it speaks volumes. In about three months, my Pinterest reach expanded about 25%, and continues to grow. "

- Jenn, whatyoumakeitblog.com

I applied the information from your course in September and had 2.8k views for the month. My numbers continued to increase each month. Then, for January I had 103k views! I got accepted to Mediavine and MADE ALMOST AS MUCH MONEY AS I MADE TEACHING. I have had a big fat 0 views from Google, it's ALL Pinterest and thanks to your course!

- Lauren, ohbabylove.org

I have always been frugal (it’s right there in my name!) and a DIY-er (aka I like to figure things out/muddle things through on my own). I’m super choosy with courses that I buy to help my blog, but after reading from many top bloggers about Pinteresting Strategies, I bought it. Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies has just helped me reach a huge blogging goal – I tripled my traffic and got into Mediavine! It’s also super affordable, frugal friends!

- Suchot, thecuriousfrugal.com

When I first started using Pinterest for my blog, I purchased a few popular Pinterest courses and studied other strategies. Everyone said to use a scheduler, so that's what I did, but I wasn't seeing any results at all. My website page views were around 800 a month when I decided to try manual pinning. After implementing everything in Pinteresting Strategies, my traffic finally started to climb.  And 3 months later, my monthly page views were up to 5000!
My blog has grown by leaps and bounds and I owe it all to this course; it's a game-changer! (Check out Nicole's traffic in the screenshot below!)

- Nicole, themaximizingmomma.com

"I am one of those people who never thought I’d do manual pinning. I was TW all the way, and doing well. But honestly, I was curious to learn your methods and bought your course. For a while, I did both, but in the past 3 months of so, I’ve used your methods (and your templates) and my traffic exploded. My niche is doing well every year during spring, but this year is better than ever (take a look at my analytics (in the image below) this year compared to last), and I couldn’t be happier! Thank you!"

- Adriana, backyardgardenlover.com

Basically, I was blown away! I thought I was an experienced pinner. I thought I knew how Pinterest worked. I was wrong. It was shocking how much I didn’t know.

I can’t tell you how many “A-HA!!” moments I had while reading and watching the videos.

- Karen, onlineblogandbusinesshelp.com

About two weeks after implementing my traffic took off. I was getting over a thousand page views a day almost consistently. And a few weeks later I was able to apply for MediaVine and I was accepted.

There are so many courses out there but I believe that the fastest way to get great traffic and be able to apply quickly to an ad company is by using Pinteresting Strategies.

- Elizabeth, whatmomsmake.com

I started blogging in February of 2020 with technical knowledge on par with that of my five year old. I had never used Pinterest other than to search for a recipe in my pre-blogging days. I tried to figure it out on my own, which was an epic fail. I knew I needed some guidance. Carly's course is much more affordable than most of the other courses on the market, and was much more well-reviewed. I can understand why. The course is easy to follow.

Carly's teaching style is very relatable. Her course is one of the best courses related to blogging (and not just Pinterest) I have taken. In just a few weeks, my Pinterest impressions have increased substantially, and I have started to see some traffic. Carly updates her course as things change with Pinterest algorithms. She does not charge you an additional fee to view the updates. You will always have the most up to date information with her course. I cannot recommend this enough for new bloggers who have no clue where to start.

- Adriane, putonyourpartypants.com